

Helping people feel better about what they eat and themselves.


Creating intuitive and mindful eaters with a non-diet approach.

JAK Nutrition is dedicated to helping people gain neutrality with food and their bodies.  Whether because of an eating disorder, daily stressors or diet mentality, often emotions, judgments and thoughts prevent people from being able to meet their nutritional needs and enjoy food.  Working with a non-diet and health at every size approach, I assist clients in learning how to break down their feelings and food rules so they do not negatively impact how they eat.  By learning how to separate their physical cues of hunger and fullness from their emotions and learning there are no good or bad foods clients can begin to have a different experience in the way they decide what to eat and when.  The end goal is for clients to be intuitive eaters who are able to listen to their body’s cues and who can give themselves permission to eat all foods mindfully. 

JAK Nutriton works with clients who struggle with eating disorders, disordered eating, emotional eaters, and those who do not have a healthy relationship with food or who want to stop chronically dieting and make peace with food.  Other specialties include treating clients who have GI issues, diabetes, cancer or other medical issues that require nutrition intervention. 

If you have any questions, or want to set up an initial session, do not hesitate to email, call, or use the contact form which can be accessed by the button below.




154 W 14th Street, 4th Floor South
New York, NY 10011



(347) 921-5121